Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Scarf organizer

My mom told me that someone on Pinterest made a scarf organizer with a plastic hanger and shower rings. C.U.T.E.!!!! 
I thought I had some dated dusty rose-colored rings laying around but I ended up finding these curtain rings instead. I must have bought them 6 years ago and they were still in the package, unopened. 
I don't have a ton of scarfs so using these curtain rings and a metal hanger worked well for me.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Making shapes with popsicle sticks

I saw on Pinterest that a mom had taken popsicle sticks and stuck sticky velrco at the ends. 

I thought this was such a great idea. BUT I didn't have any velcro on hand. I did have a roll of that magnetic tape (I stuck this on the back of all the invitations we mailed out for Joy's baby shower...like 2 years ago. I thought it was time we put it to good use.)

All of the boys really liked it. I think the velcro would be easier but the boys keep asking to play with "sticky sticks" so that's good.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Quick cocktail outfit

I'm 20 days behind in posting this BUT just wanted to share my thrify New Year's Eve outfit.

I wanted to spend as little as possble. I had the black jacket from my corporate days, had the jeans of course and had the shoes from a wedding in Sept. I just needed a spot-on sequin top. I went to Kohls and couldn't really find what I wanted but tried a few things anyway. Would you believe that the exact sleeveless top I wanted was in the dressing room I went in?? My size and 60% off - I got it for $16. Best. Shopping. Ever!!!!

I wore my hair up and bought the black flower (also on sale) below in case I needed it. It was one of those duel purpose pins: it was a barrett and a brooch. I didn't need it in my hair so I did a little "tone-on tone" on my jacket.

I picked up some nail polish too it's called Penny Talk - I love it. Good for everyday or dressing up.

Top: $16, Brooch: $8, Nail polish $8, First NYE date in 7 years: priceless!!!!