Friday, March 25, 2011

Opposite land and binoculars

Ever feel like you are living in Opposite Land? It felt like that today.
  • My house is supposed to be clean and its dirty.
  • Right now, it's 9:35pm and everyone is supposed to be sleeping but I can hear the older boys are up.
  • I was supposed to incorporate more healthy foods into my diet but I ate junk food.
  • Right now I'm laying down typing and I should be standing up, cleaning.
  • What was supposed to be in, was out. (I gave Jaxon a pain reliever for his teeth. He was so mad that I gave it to him he literally spit it across the room.)
  • I would ask the boys to talk quietly and they would scream.
On a better note, we made binoculars out of toilet paper rolls today. Emtpy paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls are something I'm so quick to recycle than stash somewhere for future projects. But I actually remembered this week.
I used masking tape to connect the rolls instead of a stapler or glue because its easier to adjust once on their face. The boys decorated the rolls with stickers and quickly jumped on the couch to play "boat." They used the binoculars to look for sharks.

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